can be...........
8 healing
15 axe (+4)
14 tactics (+3)
now thats for the more exp
your equiptment
i would say get a +45 (while enchanted) -2(while enchanted)16 armor sheild
6-28 (req ...)
vampiric 3/-1
+15% (while enchanted/-5 energy)
+7 armor vs pshyical
+20% dmg (customized)
your armor
executioners helm with suprior axe mastery
gladitors chest peice with major/suprior absorbtion
knights arms with major/suprior vigor
gladiators legging with suprior tactics
knights boots with minor...whatever
cyclone axe (your healing/secondary damage output)
bonneti's defence (will always be on expectp in between skills)
watchyourself (if it is charged do not instantly click , isnted click on cyclone axe which has about a 1 second attack speed and click watch yourself before your cyclone axe hits the enimies giving u a free watchyourself everytime with no cost)
executioners strike this is for the warrior griff boss , u may use it when u can fit it in
gladiators defence{elite} this will be your primary damage output , and also your safe zone , u can spam cyclone axe and recast vigerous spirit in this and it will not cancel , do not put bonneti;s defence on since it would cancel it out , but make sure u've got bonnetis charge for when it ends and then continue. (can be capped in dragons lair , facet of strength (boss of last area)
vigerous spirit u should keep this up at all times , even though live vicously + the vamp mod will be enough healing there is nothing wrong with more
live vicously this has the exact same effect as vigerous spirit but with the advange of being constant keep on at all times (cast at the start)
mending o yes lol the invinsible mending hehehe
, nah u need this for 1) running and gathering 2) keeping your vamp axe as your friend
ok so there are the skills
step one)
leave augury rock and instanly cast mending + live vicously (with the 25 energy u have u will have 10+ energy left over) , begin to run ... go past the first rockshot and head up u should have 2-3 mintors on u now, and head left .... u should see a 2-3 more minators , stop in the sort of tightish path with the minos on you.
step two)
use the build for a little warm up , u will not need vigerous spirit here but u can if u want , use cyclone axe and when thats recharging make sure your always attacking one of the mino's , this will gain energy + adrenaline for executioners stike + watchyourself but more importantly bonnetis defefnce,
when bonnetis is charge use it and keep hitting a mino for energy gain through bonneti's(do not use cyclone at this moment cause it wil cancel bonneti's) when u are up to 25 energy use gladiators defence , now in these 11 secs on ladiators defence u will spam cyclone axe + exeuctioners stike , recast vigerous spirit (if u have used it) , and when glads ends repeat , oo yeah and when your about to kill them all use gladiators defnce or one cyclone axe after bonneti's so u still have a lot of energy left for the griff's.
step 3)
ok now all u have to do is gather as many griffons/minos as possible , i dont think u should get the griff monk boss involved because it will only slow your run)
once u have gathered enough (10+) (try to get as many as possible , we used to be able to gather all of them before the chasing patch and that was about 30-40 griff's , but now 20 is proabably all u can gather on normal spawns) , try not to let rockshots be on u when u stop to start the fight.
step 4)
once enough is gathered and your ahppy , stop and cast vigerous spirit before they have all caught up and battered the hell into you , by the time uve casted it there should be a lot around you , next skill would be cyclone axe instantly followed by bonneti's , now rmember pick a griffon to attack at all times with normal slashes for the 19 health u would be gaining through (vamp 3, vigerous spirit 8, live vicously 8 ), watchyoruself should be open , use the trick where u put it on during a cyclone axe and repeat , if u get used to this u should learn to fit in exeuctioners stike (not needed unelss there is a warrior boss) , repeat
cyclone axe
cyclone axe
(glads if recharged)
..if u use glads
(glads on)
cyclone axe
cyclone axe
vigerous spirit
(glads ends)
bonneti's (striaght after)
cyclone axe.....back to pattern
once u have taken a few down your healing would have dropped but so would had the damage , your cyclone axe may not completly recharge bonneti's but its ok , it would be just like those minos u had earlier.
step 5)
pick up the loot , feel happy , do whatever u want
ok so that was the axe build , the sword build is definatly quite tasty
ok attributes
10 healing
15 strength (+4)
13 tactics (+3)
ok again i do my setup with two suprior runes (-150 health)
your equiptment will be........
-2(stance) -2 (enchanted) 16 armor sheild
a furious sword of shelter
( the damage of the sword is not important since it will not be doing the damqge but yet be gaining adrenaline , and the +7 armor is quite a nice bonus)
your armor
platemail helm with suprior strength
gladitors chest peice with major/suprior absorbtion
knights arms with major/suprior vigor
gladiators legging with suprior tactics
knights boots with minor...whatever
flurry this will be on at all times in battle unless if you have gladiators defence on , it will make your healing + adrelaline gain go up by 33% in time)
riposte (this will be your secondary damage output ) spam it like a idiot
gladiators defence {elite} )this will be your priamry damage output) if its open for use , use it)
watch yourself (+20 armor is quite tasty , keep on always)
doylak sigit (with the 15 stregth this skill becomes infinte , its now +40 armor , last 20 secs , recharge 20 secs , keep it on at all times)
vigerous spirit this has to be on always in battle , it is +10 health on hits , this combined with live vicously and flurry is some seriously massive healing
live vicously same goes for above
balthazars spirit this is a god of a skills , if u got a lot of griffons bashing u will have infinite energy gain, + u will have a lot of bonus adrenaline gain for those tasty ripostes.
ok the steps
step 1)
leave augury rock and instanly cast balzars spirit + live vicously (with the 25 energy u have u will have 10+ energy left over) , begin to run ... go past the first rockshot and head up u should have 2-3 mintors on u now, and head left .... u should see a 2-3 more minators , stop in the sort of tightish path with the minos on you.
step 2)
ok u dont need vigerous spirit here so dont realy bother with it , put doylak sigit down and start using flurry , keep hitting a mino and keep flurry up get watchyourself on and maintain it , spam riposte and when u have high energy put gladiators defence on( u can keep spaming ripostes if you wish) , keep hittng the mino but dont use flurry cause it will cancel gladiators defence , once gladiators ends reapeat , its dead easy
always remember when your fighting keep these on at all times
flurry (except when gladiators defence is on)
watchyourself (+20 armor is tasty)
doylak sigit (+40 armor is even nicer)
vigerous spirit (+10 health on hits is nice)
balthazars spirit ( should be on from when u enter prohets path)
live vicously (same as above)
step 3)
ok now all u have to do is gather as many griffons/minos as possible , i dont think u should get the griff monk boss involved because it will only slow your run)
once u have gathered enough (10+) (try to get as many as possible , we used to be able to gather all of them before the chasing patch and that was about 30-40 griff's , but now 20 is proabably all u can gather on normal spawns)
step 4)
once uve gathered enough , stop , cast cigerous spirit , attack nearest griffon , and keep on that enimie unless if he dies , remember these must be up at all times
doylak sigit
vigerous spirit
the balzars spirit will be enough to keep u spaming flurry
use gladiators defence whenever you can and always remember ,
should be easy for ya
step 5)
pick up look , smile , go for a coffee break